Audience: All Users 


The platform includes 14 Predefined Reports which cover a range of spend and analytical functions, allowing you to keep complete control and better manage your business spend. The reports allow you to quickly access a number of ways to view spend data, from both your own payment types and if you have Admin access, data across the entire company. You can select a scope beyond your own data by clicking Team or Business in the upper-right-hand corner.  


For all predefined reports, you can edit the data source which allows you to define the date range of the data included.

All data presented in the Reporting module represent complete and Extracted / Finalised Spend so there is no risk of change to reporting attributes.


Data Visualisation - Cube Charts 

List of Reports Available

Working with the screens

Outputting Data from the reports

Data Visualisation - Cube Charts 

Finding the best way to visualise large data sets across multiple different reports types is a challenge to any platform, but built into your platform is an innovative way of visually representing data for the majority of the reports where a data summary is required – the cube charts.

Cube Charts allow you to summarise large amounts of data quickly across coloured cubes where the size of the cube is proportional to the summarised data total across the entire data in scope. This approach allows you to easily visualise and make sense of the spend across a number of different reports and will enable you to better manage your business spend.

You can hover over any cube in the chart and receive more information on the data, and by clicking into the cube you instruct the platform to filter only on the data you have selected – you will see the data table below now only shows the data relevant to the selected cube so you can quickly and effectively focus in on areas of spend and see the detailed data available on the transaction and the user responsible. You can reset the data table at any point by pressing on the Reset Filters button.

Furthermore you can control what the cube charts are telling you via a dropdown menu just below the chart itself; you have three options of the data you wish to represent:

  • Total Billing Amount – The total value of all transactions summarised into one respective cube
  • Transaction Count – The total number of individual transactions summarised into one respective cube
  • Average Billing Amount – A calculation of the average billing amount (total / volume) of the measured unit (for example, by expense type) summarised into one respective cube

Try the cube charts now on your own data, and see how they can help you spot key suppliers where maybe you could negotiate better commercial terms, or spot the ‘long tail’ where you see a significant amount of volume of low value transactions and where the platform s delivering real savings against a manual process.

List of Reports Available

At present, the reports available in the platform are:

NumberReport NameObjectiveWhen to usePrimary AudienceHow to Access
1Spend SummaryA summary of what is spend across all payment typesWhen you wish to see an overall summary of what was spend within a specified period (usually a billing period) with summary details of the Transaction, Merchant and Expense TypeUsers, Company AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend Summary
2Spend by CountryDetails of total spend by Geographic location of the VendorTo get an overall view of the Country spend has occurred, typically used by Company Administrators to check travel and purchase activityCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend by Country
3Spend by Expense TypeSpend by allocated Expense TypeTo show spend which has been categorised by the Expense Types provided by the platform. This allows for a more readable view of spend which is easily identifiableUsers, Company AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend by Expense Type
4Spend by MerchantSummary of spend by Supplier in descending order including details of their MCC if available and Expense Type allocation.This report shows spend by Merchant – the actual store or supplier the purchase was made from. You can use this to see where you are spending the most, who is spending there and use this to optimise commercial terms and corporate deals with demonstrable purchase dataCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend by Merchant
5Spend by Merchant GroupDetails of the total spend broken down by MCG in descending order to help business know where they are spending their money on – this report groups Payment types where MCG grouping can not be mappedThis report groups spend by the MCG – Merchant Category Group and is useful for managing spend with similar merchants, to spot where you users are using the payment instruments provided.Company AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend by MCG
6Spend by Merchant CodeDetails of the total spend broken down by MCC in descending order to help business know where they are spending their money on – this report groups Payment types where MCC grouping can not be mapped.This report groups spend by the MCG – Merchant Category Code and is useful for managing spend with merchants with a specific common type – such as Restaurants, or a specific Airline or HotelCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend by MCC
7Non Domestic SpendDetails the spend which has occurred in a currency outside of the home currency of the payment instrumentThis report is used principally by Company Administrators to spot where the provided payment instruments have been used  for transactions in a non domestic currency – for example if you are based in the US, any spend not in USD. This is useful to spot where additional payment instruments issued in different currencies could be a more cost effective solution to minimise exchange and transaction fees, and to ensure no rogue spend is occurringCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Non Domestic Spend
8Spend by Payment InstrumentDetails of spend activity by Payment Instrument (e.g. Corporate Card, Uber for Business Account) including transaction type and valueThis report shows the spend associated with the  payment instruments that you have configured in your instance of the platform. This is useful for summarising spend that has occurred on personal cash accounts vs corporate cards, or the usage of other payment instruments supported by the platform.Company AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend By Payment Instrument
9Spend by Payment TypeDetails of spend activity by Payment type including transaction type and valueThis report is used to show the specific types of payment that can occur, such as debits, credits, account charges for a full view of all transactionsCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend By Payment Type
10Spend by UserDetails of consolidated total spend by User across all payment types mapped in descending order.An overview of spend across your user base, to manage who has spend where, over a specified periodCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Spend Reports > Spend By User
11Fraud Frequent Low Value SpendSpot potentially fraudulent transactions by reporting frequent low value spend transactions of the same natureThis report is used to spot frequent low value spend across the payment accounts in your company which can be used to spot fraudulent transactions if any accounts are compromisedCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Analytics Reports > Fraud Frequent Low Value Spend
12Fraud Duplicate SpendSpot potentially fraudulent transactions by reporting duplicate transactionsThis report is used to spot duplicate spend across all users and payment types, and can be used to spot instances where the same expense has been claimed by a user or across multiple usersCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Analytics Reports > Fraud Duplicate Spend
13Spend Policy ExceptionsIdentifies exception and position on policy control compliance if established, while also identifying spend exceptions by value, frequency, timeThis report shows transactions which are outside the defined spend policy for the expense type, and is used by Company Administrators to manage spend policy complianceCompany AdministratorsHome > Reports for [username] > Analytics Reports > Spend Policy Exceptions

Working with the screens

The screen layout of the reporting screens is standardised across the reports, with the green information bar across the top indicating the current selected data source, and the data represented in below in both cube charts and data tables, which you can sort by clicking on the column. The data table scrolls horizontally, so you can scroll across to the right to see all of the fields available for that particular report. For large data sets, the platform will render enough rows to fill the screen, and as you scroll down the page will continuously load more rows so you can see a full picture of your spend. This approach allows us to render large amounts of data quickly into your browser or application without having to wait for data to be formatted or rendered, and allows us to deliver an instant reporting experience.

Outputting Data from the reports

For any of the predefined reports, you can take a data export/output into both PDF and a CSV to support presenting this information in your business, or taking the data into any external data analysis package or spreadsheet for further filtering and summarisation.

The PDF report is a summary report which will include a full page cube chart to visualise your data (if appropriate to the report you are running) followed by table summarising the analytical dimensions you have chosen. The CSV report is in a standard format which will allow you to import the data into any third party software and is formatted to import cleanly without having to manipulate the data or remove and header rows – you get a perfect full version of the data from the source you have chosen in the search.

Additional reports will be added to this module over time to keep checking the platform and this page for further information.

 If none of these pre-defined reports meet your needs, see instructions onhow to create a custom report using report builder.