Audience: All Users
In this guide you will learn how to use the Neo1 dashboard to get an overview of your business spend and help you prioritize work that needs to be done within your account.
- When you log into Neo1, the first thing you will see is the dashboard.
- It provides useful information about work to be done within each stage of the process.
Let’s take a closer look at each section of the workflow.
- Getting to Know the Neo1 Dashboard
- Spend Workflow
- Purchases Queue
- Justify Queue
- Approve Queue
- Review Queue
- Process Queue
- And finally...
Getting to Know the Neo1 Dashboard
In this guide you will learn how to use the Neo1 dashboard to get an overview of your business spend and help you prioritize work that needs to be done within your account.
- When you log into Neo1, the first thing you will see is the dashboard.
- It provides useful information about work to be done within each stage of the process.
Let’s take a closer look at each section of the workflow.
Customize your dashboard by selecting 'edit' on the top-right hand side of the screen
Select the 'x' next each widget you wish to remove from the dashboard view
Your changes can be reverted back by selecting 'restore default layout'
Spend Workflow
Use the Homepage Dashboard workflow section to see a point-in-time overview of all spend within your own account or your team members accounts (if you are a Supervisor).
- As you hover over each tile in the workflow, it will pop-out
- Click on a workflow tile to open that area (module) of the system
- You can also click on the icons in the menu bar (left of screen) to be directed to that area of the system
Tip: When you see red values on your icons, it's an action to be completed by you.
Purchases Queue
Displays Amazon Business spend requests submitted by you that require pre-approval. Orders from Amazon Business will not be shipped until pre-approval has been granted.
The workflow displays both requests waiting for pre-approval or requests that have previously been pre-approved by your leader.
Justify Queue
Displays transactions made via your corporate card or out of pocket (cash) expenses that need to be justified (business purpose added, receipts attached, financial coding added etc.)
Expenses in the Justify queue are 'unfiled' meaning they have not been submitted to your Supervisor for review/approval.
Note: Corporate card charges will auto-populate into your Justify queue. You would manually enter out of pocket (cash) transactions within the Justify (spend) queue by selecting 'create new transaction'
Approve Queue
Displays transactions that have been submitted and are waiting for your Supervisor to approve.
- At this stage, your Supervisor can either approve or reject a transaction. .
- Supervisor's cannot make edits/changes to your transactions.
- If changes need to be made, the transaction would need to be rejected by your Supervisor, corrected (by you). and then re-submitted again.
- Double check your expenses before submitting!
- The workflow gives you visibility to what is unapproved, allowing you to follow-up as necessary.
Review Queue
Displays transactions that have been approved by your Supervisor and are waiting for final review/audit by the Finance team and/or an expense audit team designated by your Company.
Note: check with your Company Administrator to see if the review stage has been turned on. Most Companies start with 100% finance review and then ease to a smaller percentage or spot-check once they are comfortable that users are properly coding expenses and attaching receipts.
Users with the Administrator or Finance roles have access to this queue. In the review stage, transactions can only be approved or rejected. No changes can be made to transactions.
Process Queue
Displays transactions that are fully approved and waiting to be exported by your Company Administrator into your Finance system for payment.
Transactions at this stage cannot be returned to your Justify queue for corrections.
Once a transaction is exported from Neo1 into your Company's Finance system. It is no longer displayed in the workflow and moves into the reporting module.
Moving down the screen...
While the workflow displays count of transactions within each stage of the process, the Transaction amounts by status displays the percentage of work to be done at each stage of the process. Once a transaction is exported to your finance system, it will no longer be displayed in your spend workflow.
In the below example, this user has 13% of his transactions that still need to be justified and submitted for review and approval.
And finally...
Spend that is fully approved and extracted to your finance system will be display in the Spend management summary chart. This section provides you with a helpful snap shot of spend incurred month-over-month. This chart will really come to life as you begin using the system and submit transactions.