Audience: Neo1 Admins & Supervisors


As a supervisor, Admin or Finance user you can review the status of all budgets within the Authorize module (as a supervisor, your view will be specific to the team members you manage). 

Managing team and company budgets

Provide any background information for this section and the associated steps.

Step 1: Start by clicking Authorize > Budgets to see the status of all budgets, including any budgets that currently require approval from yourself or another approver. 

From here you can:

Click the approve or reject icon, as appropriate. Click the view icon to see more budget details, including linked transactions. 

For open budgets, you will be presented with the option to end the budget by clicking the box Close icon. This will remove the budget from the users view, and place the budget into the Budget Spend Summary report. 

  • Note: When you close a budget that has unprocessed tagged transactions within the Neo1 workflow, you will be warned that these transactions will be sent back to the user for resubmission as the budget is no longer available for tagging.