Audience: Neo1 Users


Once you have been issued a virtual Card, you must request funding by creating or managing a budget for your Card to be activated. This guide will walk through the stages of requesting a budget in Neo1 to fund your Card and viewing the current level of funding once budgets have been approved.

When you log in to Neo1, you will note that there is a virtual Card widget that provides high level visibility and will serve as a shortcut to many of the virtual card functions you wish to action. 


Creating a budget in Neo1 to fund your virtual Card for the first time

Cards are funded by requesting a and submitting a budget in Neo1. Once approved, your Card will be funded with the amount requested and be available to use immediately. 

Step 1: As a user, log into Neo1 and select the Budgets option on the left-hand menu, or by selecting Go to Budgets on the home screen.

Step 2: Click Create Budget 

Step 3: Click Yes to confirm that this budget is for your virtual card. Then click Confirm

Step 4: Complete the budget request screen.

You will need the following information:

Purpose: Your reason for requesting funds. This could be an upcoming trip, a project or a purchase.

Fund my virtual Card: This will remain selected

End Date: When the funding will expire, after this date your funding amount will reduce back to zero. This could be the end of a project, or trip.

Requested Amount: The amount to fund your Card that you are requesting

Merchant / Order Number: Optional information to provide additional content to your supervisor.

Step 5: Hit the disk button to save, then press Submit to send this request to your supervisor & funding approver for approval.

Step 6: Thats it! Your budget will now show as waiting for approval. You can hover over the Approvers shown in circles to display who the approvers are for this Budget.

You will receive an email once your Budget has been approved, and your funding is available for spending.

Tip: You can revisit this screen at any time to see the status of your funding, such as:- requested amount- available amount- spent amount- validity dates of funding. 

Modifying an existing budget for increased / decreased funding

Once you have a budget in place for your virtual Card, you can modify this by requesting additional funds, deceasing your funding limit should this no longer be needed, and modifying the validity date should you need more time.

Step 1: Locate your virtual Card budget by opening the Budgets feature of Neo1 (select Budgets from left hand menu)

Step 2: Locate your virtual Card budget, which will have a symbol of a Card as the type and click on this line to view budget details:

Step 3:Select Request Change to make changes

Step 4: Make the required changes to amount, end date and provide a justification viewable by the supervisor and funfing approver. Click Save and Submit

The changes will then be requested and sent to the supervisors for approval. You will recieve an email once approvals are granted and the adjustments to your funding are available for use on your virtual Card.

Next Steps: If you have not done already, add your Card to your mobile wallet by following our guides found here