Audience: Users 


Review these steps if you need to request a modification to the funding amount, or change the end date, of an active budget for your virtual Card. Note that if the budget has already ended, a new virtual Card budget must be created. 

Access the budget which is funding the virtual Card and make changes

Step 1: Locate the virtual Card budget by opening the Budgets feature of Neo1 (select Budgets from left hand menu)

Step 2: Locate your virtual Card budget, which will have a symbol of a Card as the type and click on this line to view budget details:

Step 3:Select Request Change to make changes

Step 4: Make the required changes to amount/end date and click Save and Submit.

The screen will update to show the pending changes:

Step 5: These changes will now be routed for approval to the supervisor and funding approver (if different). The budgets screen will display which team members this is currently sat with for approval. Please reach out to the listed approvers to approve this change in Neo1 (see this article on how supervisors can approve budgets)