Audience: Admins and Finance Users


In this article, let's cover how to delete manually created and company card feed transactions. 

Please utilize the delete feature with discretion for card feed transactions, as these can not be retriggered in the platform. If deleted in error, card feed transactions must be manually recreated.


Who can delete transactions

When can you delete transactions

How to delete transactions (as the user who owns/created the transaction)

How to delete transactions (as an Admin or Finance user)

Who can delete transactions

Manually created out of pocket/personal cash transactions can be deleted by the user, admin or finance team member. 

Automated card feed transactions (transactions with a card number populated) can only be deleted by an Admin or Finance user. 

When can you delete transactions

Transactions can only be deleted when they are in the Justify stage. 

Transactions that have been routed for approval or review must be rejected back to Justify in order to be deleted. 

Transactions in Process are unable to be deleted from the system, or rejected back to Justify. They must be extracted as is. So, please be sure to properly manage any changes prior to pushing a transaction to this stage. 

How to delete transactions (as the user who owns/created the transaction)

Step 1: Click Spend in the left-hand navigation menu, or Justify from the dashboard spend workflow widget 

Step 2: Hover over the manually created out of pocket/personal cash transaction to reveal the Delete icon to the far right. Click Delete

Step 3: A pop-up will open, confirming that you wish to delete the transaction. Click Confirm

How to delete transactions (as an Admin or Finance user)

Step 1: Click Authorize in the left-hand navigation menu, or Approve from the dashboard spend workflow widget. Then click Spend if it doesn't 

Step 2: Click Justify to display all transactions waiting to be justified 

Step 3: Hover over the desired transaction to reveal the Delete icon to the far right. Click Delete

Step 4: A pop-up will open, confirming that you wish to delete the transaction. Click Confirm