Audience: Neo1 Admin


Once you have registered your business and created your Neo1 account, you are able to setup your users within the platform. Note that users are not invited to the platform until you're ready to roll it out to your team. At that time, see this guide on how to invite users

You can setup users two ways:

1. Online by adding users individually 

2. Online via the bulk import feature which allows you update and import a template file with your user details

For companies of less than 50 users, we recommend using Option 1. If you have a larger amount of users, we recommend Option 2. If you encounter any challenges, and need assistance with a bulk upload, please reach out to Neo1 via email - [email protected]


Adding Users Manually 

Using the Neo1 XLS Bulk Import File

Adding Users Manually 

Step 1: As a user with the Admin role, click Settings and select the Users tab. 

Step 2: Select the blue create user  (shown as a blue rectangle) on the top right hand side of the screen. 

Step 3: Create your user:

  • User Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Mx)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email (this will also be the login)
  • Preferred Currency (used for expense entry and reporting currency) 
  • External Employee ID (Optional) 
  • Supervisor (The line manager for the user, who will approve purchases and transactions and travel if pre-trip approval is set-up)
  • Role (Use this to define additional Administrator Users, choose Finance users who will review spend and export to Finance Systems, and Arranger to allow people to arrange travel for others)
  • Traveler group (Use this to define travel policy group. General is set by default and designed for your standard traveler. Executive is an alternative policy group that allows for more booking flexibility. Each group is defaulted to the standard policy parameters, unless you provide customize policy setting preferences. See this article for more details. 


If no role is assigned, the user will only be able to see their own transactions/purchases and book, view and manage travel for themselves.

When using Neo1 for expenses, you will note that Default Coding is an available field for user profiles. Utilizing this feature allows you to choose which Accounting Segments should be defaulted for this specific user. For example, here you can set the users Department for Cost Centre if you have these configured in Accounting Segments. This can speed up employee expense entry and lead to a better user experience.

Step 4: Select Done when finished to create your new user.

Congrats! Your users are now loaded. To trigger a welcome email when ready, select Reinvite from the Actions column next to the appropriate users name or select all and bulk invite. This will trigger an email to the user, welcoming them to Neo1 and asking that they set their password to establish access. 

Tip: Additional profile details like Loyalty code(s), travel documents etc. can not be uploaded during manual upload, but can be completed individually in each user's profile. See these articles for instructions

Using the Neo1 XLS Bulk Import File

Use of the bulk import file not only allows you to import the standard user details captured when setting users up individually, but also to bulk import these additional details: Date of birth, Passport, Drivers license, Redress control number and Known Travel Number (TSA Pre-check). Note that users are not invited to the platform until you're ready to roll it out to your team. At that time, see this guide on how to invite users. 

Step 1: As a user with the Admin role, click Settings and select the Users tab. 

Step 2: Select the Bulk import file button on the top right hand side of the screen. 

Step 3: Click Download template to download the user upload file template. Be sure to check your downloads for the file. 

Step 4: The template will contain both free text and drop-down cells. Start by completing all of the required columns (column A - I)

Then, you can complete the optional columns in alignment with your team needs. 

If the data is available, we highly recommend completing columns J-L, as this information is essential to the travel feature. With this data stored, they will be ready to store their payment method and book their first trip as soon as they are invited. If you don't have this data, no worries. The users can always update their profile with this data once they are invited. 

Tip: Mobile number must be entered in +country code format (i.e. +1 for US or +44 for UK -- Example : +17704642549

Accounting codes will start at Column M, and will allow you to configure field values against the user, which will auto-populate those values while justifying expenses (where applicable). These values must be stored in Neo1 prior to including them in the user bulk import file. See this guide for more information on field values.  

Travel document columns include Passport, Driver's license, Redress Control Number and Known travel number. This will only be included within your bulk import template if your account is enabled for the travel feature. Selecting Yes within the drop down for these columns will unlock the additional columns associated with that travel document for you to complete. 

Select No if you don't wish to upload information for that travel document. 

Step 4: Once complete, please save the file with your changes. 

Step 5: Return to the open bulk import pop-up box by clicking Settings > Users > Bulk Import file) and click Upload file (browse and select your file) and Confirm

Step 6: If your upload contains any errors, then an error will populate letting you know to review the file.

Within the file, you will see a red flag indicating the areas that require review. 

Please update to resolve the errors and reattempt upload. Common errors may be -- incorrect phone number format (+1 for US or +44 for UK must be included with the number), inclusion of an accounting code that doesn't already exist in Neo1, etc. 

Once your upload is successful, then a pop-up will appear indicating that the user(s) has been successfully imported. You will note that their status will say "pending_activation", indicating that they have not yet set a password to establish access to the platform. 

Next Steps: Now that you have added your users, perhaps you would like to set travel policy settings for your account. See this guide for instructions.