Audience: All Neo1 Users

Answer: American Express Global Business Travel does not facilitate multiple passengers on a single record (PNR) - each traveler must have their own PNR. There have been some exceptions where a single trip record is required by certain airlines when an adult is accompanying a minor however, this would need to be arranged with an AMEX GBT offline Travel Agent.

Amex GBT Offline Travel Counselor:  1-669-272-1301 press option #2 (available 24/7)

  • Or, add the above number to WhatsApp & chat directly

  • Or, chat directly within the Amex GBT Mobile app (click here for guide)

Need further help? When this question comes up, we typically ask, is there something specific driving your need for a single PNR trip record?  If yes, email: [email protected] with your comments/questions so we can help provide further guidance and solutioning.

Amex GBT Meetings & Events Team: If needed, we can help facilitate an introduction to the Amex GBT Meeting & Events Team where a separate contract can be negotiated for booking group travel or seeking help with planning a one-off meeting or event. Email: [email protected] to inquire further