Audience: Neo1 Users


Complete your profile by configuring settings for both travel and expenses.. You can add/modify the following details:

  • Personal Information (Date of birth and Phone number, required to use virtual Cards in Neo1)
  • Address (Important when booking Rail and required to use virtual Cards in Neo1)
  • Travel Documents (Passport number, Known Traveler Number, Redress Control Number and Driver's License Number)
  • Loyalty Numbers (Car hire, Air, Hotels and Train)
  • Payment Methods
  • Vehicles (Add a vehicle when the user need to claim mileage in Spend

Update your personal profile

Step 1: Log into Neo1

Step 2: Click on your initials on the top right hand-side

Step 3: A menu will open. Click on the subject you want to update

Step 4: Once you clicked on the subject you want to update, you will be able to navigate to the other subjects on the top of the page 

Step 5: Click on Home on the menu-bar on the left hand-side to return to your dashboard