Audience:  Neo1 all users


Use the below as a general guide for how to submit company card transactions.  Keep in mind, each company set-up varies. If needed, check with your company Admin to understand how your company is configured.

Tip: The below steps are relevant if your Company has connected a card program and receives a feed of all transactions. 
Refer to this guide if your company manually creates transactions (no automated transactions; manual only). 

Step 1: Log into Neo1 (

Step 2: Select Spend (from the left menu bar) or, choose Justify from the Dashboard timeline

The homepage dashboard will display the total count of transactions sitting in your justify queue, ready to be reconciled and submitted to your Supervisor for review/ approval.

Step 3: Your Spend or, 'Justify' queue will list all transactions ready to be reconciled - You've spent the money, now you will justify why. 

Step 4: This queue will be displayed similar to your card statement - all transactions will be listed in date order, the newest listed first. 

Step 5: Select the transaction you wish to reconcile. A new window will appear.  We call this the 'Monster screen' where we've merged three views together onto one screen.  

  1. On the left, a list of all unfiled transactions
  2. In the middle, the details for a transaction (where you will complete the reconciliation) 
  3. On the right, the receipt for that transaction

Step 6: To reconcile, complete the fields in the middle screen:

Tip: For daily file feed transactions (i.e. Amex card), the date, merchant, currency and country fields will auto populate. 
For recurrent transactions that are typically assigned the same purpose, the purpose will also begin to auto-populate as well. 

  1. Select the Group for the transactions (if relevant - refer to this article on how to use Groups)
  2. Select the Budget (if relevant - refer to this article on how to create and manage budgets)
  3. Select the Expense Type
  4. Complete all remaining fields - each company configuration will vary (examples of remaining fields might be: department, project name, Client name, if the transaction is billable etc.)

Step 7: Next, attach the receipt - upload from your computer or select a receipt you've captured from your Neo1 mobile app

Tip: The receipt is a mandated field and requires that one be added or a drop-down option is selected. Check your company policy regarding lost receipt best practice. 

For travel booked within Neo1, the airfare receipts will automatically link to the transaction. 

Step 8: Finally, save and submit the transaction.

A few items to note...

  • Submitted transactions auto route to your Supervisor for review and approval.
  • There is no concept of an 'expense report' in Neo1.  Transactions should be reviewed and submitted one-by-one or by selecting all and choosing bulk submit (similar to downloading and reconciling your card statement prior to the statement close period).  
  • Check with your company - how often do they want transactions submitted to Supervisors? Daily? weekly? monthly? etc.

See where your transactions are at in any stage of the process, via the home page dashboard (soend timeline view). 

Or, at the top menu bar within the spend queue screen

Once a transaction is fully processed in Neo1, it will be extracted and no longer appear in the spend timeline view.

Extracted transactions can be pulled into a spend report. 

Transactions still sitting at any stage of the spend timeline (Justify, Approve, Review & Process) will only be available in the 'live spend' report.