Audience: Neo1 Admin


When establishing your field, you are presented with the option to select a "Parent field". Selecting a parent field allows you to pull from the parent field values to determine field code relationships. 

An established relationship will mean that when you select a certain value for one field - "Field A", only certain values will populate for another field - "Field B".  

Note: Before you can set dependencies you will first need to create fields.
You can set dependencies at the time of the initial field creation, of after each field is established


Create field dependencies

Step 1: Set the Parent field in a new or existing field by clicking rename to view field settings

In the example below, we are setting Client as the Parent field, effectively linking the field Project Name to the existing field Client.

Step 2: Click on Confirm

Step 3: Now you are ready to link the appropriate field values. Click on the edit pencil icon (or click create field value first to create a new value that you want to link). 

Step 4: The field value settings box will open. Select the parent field value that you wish to link. This selection will ensure that the child value only populates when this parent value is selected. 

Step 5: Click on Confirm. Once saved, the relationship will successfully be established between both values 

Tip: If you have field values that should always be visible, do not assign a dependency.

Next Steps: Now that we have covered field dependencies, let's review Field Default Coding Sources