Audience: Neo1 Admin 


In this article, let's cover how to log as another user. As an admin, your have permission to access other user profiles through the "log as" function. You may wish to log as a user to provide profile update or platform use assistance. 


Quick log as another user 

Step 1: Log into Neo1

Step 2: Click on your initials in the top right hand corner 

Step 3: Click on Log as another user 

Step 4: Choose the user you wish to log as

Step 5: Click Confirm 

Tip: Quickly navigate between profiles or quit log as using the log as banner at the top of the screen 

Login as another user (under settings)

Step 1: Log into Neo1

Step 2: Click on Settings in the menu-bar on the left hand-side

Step 3: Click on Users on top of the page

Step 4: Hover your mouse over the line of the user and click on the Key symbol on the right hand-side.

This will take you to the dashboard of the user you have selected

Tip: When you are ready to return to your profile, click quit log as in the log as banner (top) or click your initials in the top right hand corner